The property was converted to three flats back in the 80's and it was easily one of the worst conversions I've worked on. The conversion was done as cheap as possible with no fire proofing, no sound insulation and little consideration to achieving the best layouts or use of space.
Our project was in the basement which was a poorly designed 1 bed flat. The aim was to redesign the flat to create an extra bedroom and to create a more modern layout.
As it was a leasehold flat a planning application was required and Lewisham Planners went out of their way to make life difficult. The planners did not consult on the planning application and rejected the application on a few small details that could easily have been dealt with if the planners consulted which they didn't.
It's perfectably clear that the policy in recent years with many London planning authorities has changed and that instead of providing experienced planning officers to discuss proposals with homeowners, the new policy is to provide inexperienced planning officers, which do not consult and push homeowners to take the pre-advice application route which of course provides additional revene for the hard-up planners.
Even when we did the pre-advice application it took lots of chasing to get a Teams meet and a written report which highlighted the minor amendments required to get planning approval. In the end we submitted a new planning application which was approved.
Here we have the existing and proposed layouts for the flat. A side-return extension was considered but in the end we determined it was lot of expense that wouldn't provide the desired 2nd bedroom whereas the back addition extension would.
To achieve the new layout it would be necessary to remove / openup the main structural walls, get rid of all the existing partitions, and demolish the rear conservatory. By the time everything was cleared out we were effectively left with the outside walls and a large openplan space.
As you can see the structural work was significent and our groundworks team took about 4 weeks to achieve the transformation.
Next up was the new extension which was a simple block and render extension with pitched slate roof and a lovely pair of French doors and sidelights to provide wonderful views and access to the garden.
When the conversion was done one of the bay windows was used to create the new entrance to the flat. This was the cheapest way to achieve the split. What they should have done was to put a door under the stairs as the entrance but this was a cheap conversion so instead they installed 2 small upvc windows and a small doorway (27 inch opening) that you had to squeeze through.
We installed new traditional sash windows and a traditional door which had a huge impact on the flat both internally and externally. We also put a lovely set of French doors from the lounge to the side return area and the combination of the new doors and windows provided loads more light and character for the flat.
Sound insulation was easily the worst I've come across. The 1st floor had exposed floor boards with no insulation whatsoever and when someone spoke in either flat it was cystal clear. This was remedied by installing new ceilings and loads of sound insulation materials which again had a huge impact as the flat was now far more insulated and the noise from above was neglible.
When it comes to the new kitchen, a black Ikea kitchen was selected. Quartz worktops were added with Bosch appliances which gave a lovely contemporary feel.
The bathroom was kept simple with a lovely bathroom suite from Victoria Plumbing and a large marble effect tiles for the walls and floor.
A new boiler and central heating was installed which took a lot of effort as the floors throughout were concrete. All the pipework was chased in and a Hive thermostat was used which allows full heating controls from a mobile phone.
As you would expect, it was a complete rewire with loads of lv downlighters for the main rooms and hallway.
The painting and flooring is to be carried out by third parties and I am confident the flat will look fantastic when done. If I get the opportunity to get photos I will update this article in the near future.
Overall, a lovely project which took about 12 weeks to complete and cost about £110k to make the transformation. Given that we added an extra bedroom, amazing value will have been added which makes it money well spent for the owners.